Every year my doctor makes me come in for a yearly physical, and if I don’t, she won’t refill my prescriptions.  So, each year I reluctantly go to her office muttering 4 letter words under my breath.  I’ve done it so many times, I feel I know exactly what she is going to say…  And then after my appointment, I have to go have my blood drawn so my blood chemistry can be checked.

They usually call me within a few days to go over the results of my blood test, and this year the numbers revealed that there might be something going on with my kidneys.  So, my doctor called me back into her office to discuss the situation.  She told me she wanted me to have an ultra-sound of my kidneys to see if there was anything abnormal.  What the heck?  Now I am scared.  Of course, my first thought is… what if I have cancer?  

A few days later, I go for my ultra-sound, and again, I have to wait for the results!  Damn it!  It is the waiting that is so darn difficult.  I really had to work hard not to lot my mind think the worst.

Once again, my doctor calls me into her office and tells me that the ultra-sound shows that my right kidney is non-functioning.  Holy crap!  But, then she tells me the good news is, “You can live with one kidney, Shelle!”  I thought to myself sarcastically…  wow, that is great news.

She then tells me she wants me to go to a kidney surgeon to get their opinion.  So, I make an appointment, still trying not to think about how this might affect my future, and in a few days I go to see the surgeon.

The surgeon tells me that she thinks (based on the ultra-sound) that my right kidney has never worked, that it is probably a congenital birth defect, but she would like me to have a CT Scan to get a clearer picture.

Long story short, it was determined that my one non-functioning kidney is a birth defect, and since most of my labs looked good, I didn’t need any further follow-up.

However…  while the nurse gave me the good news regarding my kidneys and that I needed no further follow-up; she did happen to mention that they also spotted nodules on my lungs!!!  Are you flipping kidding me?  My first thought was…  what if I have cancer in my lungs?  And, once again, I was deeply worried.  I kept thinking about how much I love my grandchildren and my family, and how I wasn’t ready to leave them.

Luckily, being a coach, I know how to self-coach myself and manage my thoughts. This technique is so valuable because otherwise my thoughts would have obsessively been running away with themselves and I have made myself completely miserable.  I will admit though, I did shed some tears over this new revelation.

Now it was time to go a Pulmonologist to get his opinion.  He wanted me to have another CT Scan because the last scan only showed the lower portion of my lungs.  But, he said he only saw one nodule on my lung, and that made me feel so much better than when the previous nurse had told me their were multiple nodules.  So, I was back at the hospital in the next couple days to get my second CT scan done.  And then the torture of waiting for the results began, once again.

While I am watching the news one evening during the period I was waiting for my test results, I see that Ruth Bader Ginsberg had just had 2 cancerous lung nodules removed and she was back to work (at 85 years old, mind you).  I figured if she can get through cancerous lung nodules, than so can I…

Well, another nurse just called me a couple hours ago with my results and told me that my lung nodule had disappeared and my lungs looked perfect.  I asked her to repeat it again…  My lung nodule disappeared?


So, the reason I wanted to share this story with you is because we tend to torment ourselves with worry before even knowing if we truly have something to worry about.  That is the thing about worry…  Worry pretends to be necessary when in reality all it does is torture us.

And, isn’t the thought that we have cancer always our first conclusion?

But, the interesting thing is, I have always said to myself, (“I don’t do cancer.  I am not even gonna to go there!)  I have uttered this phrase for years.

So, this is how I got through these last 2 frightening situations.  1) I reminded myself I don’t do cancer, 2) I prayed for my health and asked others to pray for me as well, 3) I self-coached myself when my worrying started to ramp up, and 4), I refocused on enjoying each and every day. And last, but certainly not least, I visualized myself as being well and living a long life.

So, my friends, the lesson in this story is to quit imaging the worst when you have a health scare, and please don’t worry until you know you truly have something to be concerned about.

Life is short and tomorrow is promised to no one, so be grateful and make the most of each and every day!


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